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Find the cheapest days to fly to Rarotonga

Find the cheapest days to fly to Rarotonga

It's now easy to find the cheapest days to fly to Rarotonga from Auckland.

In addition to select Australia, domestic & Fiji routes, fares to Rarotonga have been added to Mix & Match's FareFinder departing from Auckland. So now you can find the cheapest day to fly to Rarotonga on any airline.

To get started, click the FareFinder tab to use the easy to navigate Mix & Match calendar.

Then simply select:

  • whether you wish to travel one way or return
  • where you want to fly from and to, in this case select Auckand and then Rarotonga
  • the month you wish to travel.

We’ll then show you the cheapest airfares available to book to Rarotonga right now. Select your prefered day & price, then watch the search results appear ready for you to book.

Here's a short video for a guide to using FareFinder.

Related article: Say 'bula' to finding the cheapest fares to Fiji

Published: 21 June 2016

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